My mouse randomly double-clicks on select. Just enough to make you slowly lose your mind. In a small coincidence, I have a client with a similar random mouse problem, in that it just won't click. I recommend her to unplug and replug, and it helps for a little while (days, weeks), but it doesn't help my overclicking problem.
My client's underclicking is happening less often, but has been going on for a little while, my overclicking problem seems to have started right after the last big Windows 7 update (my client is also on win7).
Google "mouse keeps double clicking". That overlaps too many other problems, refine to "mouse randomly double clicking". Doesn't look promising, further refine to "mouse randomly double clicking explorer".
Maybe a Logitech issue?
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I think I already tried this a while ago, but I have another mouse nearby, unfortunately also Logitech, but at least its different. This mouse is so small I'm getting instant hand cramps. But at least its something different to test with.
Some time later, I have the large Logitech mouse that is more comfortable to use, but overclicks, so I have a small Logitech mouse also connected for when its acting up. I try to minimize using it, as it is too small for my hand.
I'm playing a game, GTA 5, I use either mouse, no problem ever. This overclicking problem seems to happen in Windows and desktop apps mostly.