Desperately running out of disk space, acquire new 4 TB hdd.
Because my primary machine (730x) already has an ssd, a good old hdd which maximizes on space and not on speed is just fine.
Disk working fine with just iTunes data on there.
Slowly been copying data over (and checking CRCs) to fill the disk, finally hit limit, seems fine. Deleting fill data, and going to gradually starting moving in data from the smaller disks.
Just notice recycling bin is on for this disk. It's been so long since I had to change that setting, I forgot about doing it on this disk and my new SSD. How to get to Recycling Bin settings, since I hid it on the desktop years ago... after a few minutes searching I just turn it back on briefly, just easier that way. Make sure all disks set to delete immediately (but I still want Display delete confirmation dialog), empty recycle bin, hide it, done.
Finally got all podcasts media on there (413 GB).