Saturday, July 7, 2018

new phone: Google Pixel 2 XL

Got a new Google Pixel 2 XL yesterday.
The flag has already been transferred from my old phone, time to decommission it.

This is a good time to do a full backup on Google Takeout.

Copying (private) details to Google Doc "phone Pixel 2 XL 2018.07.06-"

Verify that my account is unchanged on
Google Pixel 2 XL 64GB in Just Black
64 GB Just Black
Unlimited Data

Let's take inventory of the physical stuff:
phone & box it came in
box label: Pixel 2 XL 6" 64GB Just Black, Model G011C, IMEI #, SIM ID #, etc.
some cables. some small documents.
'Let's get started' says box includes: Pixel, SIM tool, Power adapter, Quick Switch Adapter, USB-C to 3.5mm Headphone adapter, USB-C cable. I see its all here except for the sim tool. Maybe Verizon keeps it?

I can't easily get the phone out of the Otter box, and its got that glass shield on it. I don't want to risk ruining it, I'll leave it for later.

OtterBox Symmetry (applied to phone at store)
Invisible Shield glass curve (applied to phone at store)
Verizon car charger

Back to the phone. No login or code required (yet). I want to plug it into computer so its closer, but I no combination of these provided adapters will do it. Maybe later.

Pixel Setup
Pixel 2 XL setup isn't done
Transfer data, add Google Account, and more
click it, Just a sec...
connect to Wi-Fi
Let's copy your data, Next, User your old phone, Next, Find your old phone's cable - ok, not playing along with this anymore.
Bring your data from... A backup from the cloud.
No backups found, Next.
Unlock with Pixel Imprint, Skip.
Teach the Assistant to recognize your voice.
Let the Assistant use what's on your screen, turn off, Next. get email ok.

I see calendar and email notifications.

Chrome, turn off Sync everything, uncheck Passwords.

...use during day, with every new app used i get asked if i want to allow this, or i want to learn more about that - who knows what the heck i signed my soul away to just so i could move forward, or what knew functions i dismissed because i didn't have the time to pay attention to them.

One frustrating thing is not being able to download apps because its waiting for Wi-Fi, even when I told it not to mind and use mobile data.

Settings, System, System update, Updated to Android 8.1.0.
update, restart,

This thing goes to sleep very quickly. Plug in power, got lots of apps to update. Updating apps seems to fight with updating system, even with Wi-Fi on. Suspend app update, system moving forward again.

Long update (minutes). Restart. Check system, Security update installing... same one as before, or a new update? Doesn't say. Another restart.

Your system is up to date 8.1.0. June 5.

BringGo downloaded. Login... no account. Reset. How does it remember Chase visa!? Add new account... purchase.

Require authentication for purchases?
Yes, always.

Pixel Setup, Tap to finish, Start, Don't Copy, Don't Copy, Account added (it already was) Next, Unlock? skip, screen lock skip, Back up to Google Drive, Turn off backup? OK, Make it yours No Thanks, One last tip All Set.

Keeping everything minimal then adding functions later.

Getting used to the phone (its huge). How to transfer files to computer without USB-C to USB2 cable? Might as well try Backup & Sync (unlimited thru 2021?)
Click checkbox to use cellular when no Wi-Fi. I select this option whenever possible (because unlimited) but in general I am having a tough time getting the phone to believe I really mean that and just use as much cellular as you want.
Backing up 185 photos... Backup complete Free up 787MB from device? Interesting, I'm curious to compare how files differ via backup or cable (timestamps, etc.?)

Smart Storage is set to delete backed up files after 60 days. I'd rather verify my files are on my computer myself before deletion, turn that off.

Turn Google Drive backup on in system settings; choose backup account (my gmail). So where are my photos being backed up to... not Google Drive... its on I wonder whatever happened to Picasa, because I keep seeing albums from then.

On, Keep Off personalized features for now (its trying to do a whole bunch of facial recognition). And now its offering my computer an uploader to add photos. Not yet.

Been living with it, been getting used to it, need to go further.
Got a USB3 to A to C cable.
Connect phone to computer (win7), in Explorer now see Portable Devices : Pixel 2 XL Mobile Phone. Get properties, interesting there is a serial number there I haven't seen yet - maybe its for the cable? Look inside... no data! Do I need to tell the phone something?
Settings -> Connected Devices -> USB, change from Charge this device to Transfer files.
That's more like it, now shows Internal shared storage (40.5 GB free of 51.9 GB), and all the usual folders (though a lot less then previous Samsung phone).

Restored ringtones. Backup photos - could I possibly ever need these thumbnails? It's only 80mb... The actual photos and video is 4.5gb. The size matches down to the byte, but sadly I can't match my local checksum to what's on the phone. I'll just have to take its word for it, spot check as many files as I can before deletion.

Do I need to delete? If I'm generating about a gig of media a month, I might as well get in the habit now.

How to copy MVIMG files? I don't really want this feature, but I'd like the option of having the files now and deciding later. How do I even play back these files locally? They seem to play on OK, but is there even a local player?

Looks like Motion Photos only play in Google photos or Android. They seem to contain an MP4, but most things will only see a large JPG.

As a test to see if I have all the data of this kind of file, I upload a mvimg that I have copied from USB to Photos, size Original. It plays. So I will continue to trust that USB copy is a true backup.

How to bulk delete?

Upgrade to Android 9. And now the clock is on the other side. Another update. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are now set to scan even when off. Shut off both. Another restart. And another update, restart, done.

Install LastPass. Login, sends email with unique identifier.
Autofill service, change from None to LastPass.
Unlock LastPass with your fingerprint, skip.
60 day premium trial ended - I don't think I need that.
Install Pandora Music, Stitcher, SiriusXM (to test in the Sonic).

How to change voice mail from default (on phone/on Verizon?) to Google Voice? It seems to still be set up for this phone number. Try turning it off and back on. Now to test...

USB-C port no working!? Is it is just the dongle to stereo, is it the charger too... later, plug in, works, cuts out jiggle dongle, works again. Is it just the dongle that's loose, power cables seem better seated.

Plug into Windows, charging but USB connection not visible.

Maybe developer mode will help. Tap build number 7 times. In settings, I see no new entry for Developer Mode, oh its under System Developer options.
I'll try stay awake while charging, I'm tired of this thing going to sleep every 5 seconds while I'm looking at it.
Change default USB configuration to File Transfer.

phone won't start; gets to logo and shuts off.
Because it was charging all night I thought maybe it was dying, but putting it on a charger seems to indicate its not charged.
The USB-C port has been an increasing problem - or all my usb-c cables keep dying. You definitely have to reseat and push the cable to one side a lot to keep it charging. And there have been nights where it was on the charger but by morning you can tell it stopped charging at some point.
...OK, it had just lost charge. I should probably use a dust plug in the usb-c port.

2021.01.04 some time last year usb-c data connection stopped working. then usb-c charging became intermittent (sometimes not charging, sometimes causing shutdown)
remove from case for first time since i got it (see iPad for pic) SKIP FOR NOW

2021.09.27 i cleaned out some gunk with a needle and aircan, worked fine for most of 2021, now phone is not charging again.
while on, insert usb-c power, no indication its charging, loses charge.
while off, shows charging symbol, white line advances across the top of the screen, then goes dark (is it charging?)

something new just happened, on plugin there was a horizontal charging symbol in red, then it went green, then it went back to the b&w vertical charging symbol.

yesterday the phone would charge some in the car charger.

charge for ~hour, won't start. try hold power button down, ~14 seconds, red dot in upper right corner (that's new), keeps trying to boot and going back to red charger symbol. unplug. goes dark.

!replace screen protector
load my music onto phone (convert my wav to mp3? will it convert)
get bluetooth earphone. try music, podcasts.
find out why BringGo not working consistently.
take tour of phone / watch videos, etc
longer password / try fingerprint

noting setting changes:
Smart Storage On -> Off
Settings -> System -> Backup: Back up to Google Drive Off -> On

2022.06.03 still using Pixel 2XL; it just keeps refusing to die. this summer it will be 4 years. i've been eyeing the 6, but now the 7 is almost here.
note to future self: keep my info in Google Docs. only tech issues in this blog.